Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Columbus Day. October 13, 2014

Well today either Mom or me had to be off as your daycare was closed for the day and you had to stay home.  I stayed with you. After a meltdown night on Sunday where we had to put you to sleep without a bath because you were over tired from not having a nap and quite frankly , were being a bear to deal with you woke up in a great mood. It was a rainy fall day , not very cold though. We didn't do much with the day, more of a catch up day for me with laundry to do so we just hung out the house all day. You were an absolute joy to be with, funny, helpful, ( cleaned the basement up) and cracking jokes all day. The time really did fly by and before we knew it Mom was home from work. Played for a little bit and due to no nap again, you consented to an early shower and bedtime which you did without complaint. Just a great day with just me and you. Loved it.

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