Sunday, August 10, 2014

August 10, 2014

Well its been a bit since my initial post, finding time at the end of the day to summarize is sometimes tough as I often fall asleep with you for the night after a shower / bath . Most parents lament the fact that they ever let their children start sleeping with them. In our house its a little different. Our first night here in this house is when we first put you in your bug boy bed which you took to instantly. Never missed your crib at all. Over time we started reading goodnight stories and after the stories were over  you would ask either me or Mom if we could lay with you until you fell asleep, something that continues to this day. I don't regret that one bit even though its a bit of an inconvenience sometimes. You're only going to be a little boy once and soon enough you'll be kicking us out of your room. Watching you sleep and sleeping next to you just fills me with joy and love, I feel it bonds me with you . You are one hell of a restless sleeper though, all over the bed. I can manage to still get some decent sleep and will sleep through till the morning . Mom has more trouble with it and often ends up sleeping in our bed after a couple hours. Anyway today was pretty uneventful, just a lazy Sunday . You go back to preschool for the year tomorrow as Moms summer break is over. Its bittersweet watching the summer of your 4th year essentially come to an end. We did have fun , a nice vacation to Hilton Head , several fun excursions thanks to Mom. You're growing up so very fast. You have such a gentle nature and are very good hearted, exampled today by your asking the boy at the park if he would like a turn on your motorized tractor as we were walking Daisy. Such a sweet , sweet boy. I love you more each day and can only envision your future years. Ill do my best to fill them with as much love and guidance as I can. We are blessed to have you in our lives. Sweet dreams little guy.